Ethan Gold's new double-A-side vinyl single ''Sway Lake,'' from the film The Song of Sway Lake, is a limited-edition talisman from a film about characters fixated with the past, and searching for old records in a grand lake house in the Adirondack Park. The inimitable John Grant sings the haunting, quiet moonlight Lost Record Version, arranged to sound like a small group of musicians in 1939 playing after midnight in a barn. His range as a vocalist brings a pathos and gravity that is timeless, utterly convincing as a 30s performance and filled with emotion and longing. English sisters trio The Staves sing the brassy daylight Big Band Version, arranged as if it were a pop hit of 1947, all brash tight three-part harmonies, reflecting the razzle dazzle arrogance and exuberance of post-War America. Swing your honey around the dance floor! The single was mixed by Flood
Release date:
November 23, 2018
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